Detect your future jobs. Pay your fee after applying to review your results. Indicate your information as requested. Input and pay once. A lot of schools are participating. The students are advice to write all their grades within the GRADES TEXT AREA for J.S.S students at any levels or any finalists to get the result of their Eligible classes ( course, department and Affordable University once) the earlier, the better you detect. Please, Go to L.O.T software to make an agreement between start-up customers (You) and end-up customers (Phone contacts) to generate money of your choice after your A.I career testing-(To avoid Disagreement from both start up customer and End-up customers which is optional)

  • Category: Education
  • Service Duration: 02:30 Hours
  • Address: office 25, Leaders plaza, Aladelola Street, Ikosi-Ketu, Lagos State. (Map)
  • Stamped$60 - $90



Choose the convenient or right time to check your result above or wait for few seconds/minutes to check your result after inputting. You can detect the future jobs of junior students

You are required to fill up the above online form according to your categories

Email- recognised Email / frequently use email

full name- personal name/student's name

Repeat Time: Once or Twice or none

Phone number- Your phone number

Gender: Male or Female

Age: Age of Student or Age range

Referral Email-
use agent detecting email address if the agent referred you

Grades Text Area- Your grades e.g. (subject-grades)


please ensure you write your complete results and information, failure to write the finished information and right information will results to 141.60 fine to re-correct the system from collapsing, so ensure you do the needful, write your right information and finish your information to get quick results. Thanks my friend. (You can proceed)